I am still on island time, we’ve just gone past the half way mark of our holiday in Mauritius and it’s been nothing short of wonderful.
We have been blessed with the most stunning weather conditions, given it is in fact winter here in Mauritius - we feel very lucky. During our time here, I have noticed how inspired I have felt in regards to my creative craft. I’ve been grabbing my camera and dashing off before the last rays of sunlight disappear and generally keeping it within arm’s reach throughout the day. Travel is of course known for reinvigorating a sense of creativity, I wanted to highlight the specifics that I have noted.
Mauritius has such different landscapes and nature environments compared to Perth, although I grew up here and have spent so many years coming back, there are still many areas I am discovering for the first time and it makes me so excited to get behind the lens and capture all the beauty I am seeing.
Being on holiday, it is natural to take a slower approach, espeeecially on an island. Sleeping in, breakfast at 9am, lunch at 2pm and so on. I’ve also taken this approach with photography. Usually when I am shooting, its almost always for work purposes and is often ‘rushed’ as we have only X amount of hours to get the shots we need. But on holiday, there is no deadline, no projects and no rush. All the time to walk around, look for unique perspectives and snap away.
It’s quite funny to think about where I am finding inspiration here (that would never even cross my mind in Perth). For example, doorways and entrances, nature, ropes, boats, family, stone walls, authentic food and so on. Having things around me that aren’t in my usual day to day life in Perth is really eye-catching.
Next time you’re on a holiday, I recommend bringing along your creative interests, you might come up with your best idea yet ;)
Thanks for reading!